Rental Properties in Calgary, Lethbridge, Red Deer and Edmonton
Rented Properties
If you are interested in any of the addresses below, please contact us directly and we can advise you as to when the unit is available to rent.
13502 126th Street, Edmonton - Unit A & B
13504 126th Street, Edmonton - Unit A & B
19 A, B, C, D Orient Green, Red Deer
27 A, B, C, D Orient Green, Red Deer
31 A, B, C,D Orient Green, Red Deer
7520 35th Ave NW, Calgary - Units A & B
3333 Doverthorn Rd SE, Calgary - Units A & B
3331 Doverthorn Rd SE, Calgary - Units A & B
2528 Holly Drive SE, Calgary - Units A & B
#10, 3911 1st Street NE, Calgary
1907 Lakemount Blvd S, Lethbridge - Units 1, 2, 3, 4
515 19th Street S, Lethbridge
33 Rutgers Cres. W, Lethbridge
870 Columbia Blvd W, Lethbridge
71 Columbia Place W, Lethbridge
90 Heritage Landing, Cochrane
97, 28 Heritage Drive, Cochrane